Monday, February 9, 2009

Cultural Studies: Chris Barker (10-14)

Chapter 10

This chapter discusses the construction of meaning by the television in relation to its audience. Because television is viewed on the daily basis in a domestic setting, the home is a place where construction and contestation of cultural identities happens. The television is effective in constructing meaning or identities because of the consistent intake and the setting it is viewed in. I think the church can learn a lot from impact television has on it audience. Home is an effective place of shaping and producing meaning and identities. What happens is that church is a Sunday occasion, usually with parents and children worshiping separately. I believe the worship needs to continue in a domestic setting on a consistent basis. This can be done strategically through small/home groups, family-based ministries, and other smaller group settings.

Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Chapter 11

Many churches have taken advantage of the ever-growing digital age. Especially in the West, people are connecting to the worldwide web, interacting in communities and forming identities. Churches like Life have taken advantage of this and provides a place of worship on the Internet. Another church that is taking advantage of the increase in use of mobile phones is Mars Hill (WA). Pastor Mark Driscoll allows congregation members to text message questions, and he answers them on the spot. It will take amazing creativity and strategic planning to engage with the digital age, but nonetheless the church needs to recognize the effects the Internet and cell phone has on people.

Chapter 12

The ‘city’ has been and still is a place where churches are scared to dwell in. The challenges in reaching a post-modern city are daunting. Instead of seeing the city as an opportunity to reach and build God’s kingdom, it is a place that is avoided. The city is a complicated place with diversity in class, race, opportunities and cultures. In order for the churches to be effective in taking the gospels to the city, they would have to be prepared for any and everything. They would have start with a demographic and cultural study of the specific city. According to the results of that study, the church should develop their identities accordingly.

1 Corinthians 9:20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.
Chapter 13

This chapter should open the eyes of church leaders. Churches and their leaders need to think into the future for the next generation. It is important to plan for today, but it’s as pertinent to study and prepare for the future of the church. This can be done through in various ways. Resources can be poured into the youth ministry to develop and educate youth workers about youth culture. Youth ministries, not only need to know the cultural phenomenon of youth, but need to create an appealing subculture for themselves to appeal to the youth. How can a church do this while staying true to the bible?

Chapter 14

In the section ‘The implications of pragmatism for cultural studies’ there were some interesting ideas presented that the church can use and implement in their ministry. Truth inheres in local stories not in grand narratives. I believe churches need to do a better job being intentional about the people they are trying to reach in their city or community. They need to understand the culture, characteristics, and challenges of the city or community to better reach them for God. You cannot do exactly duplicate a ministry in one town and do it the same way in another. Rather we need to focus, study and form a ministry that will be effective in that culture and environment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

David - you're doing a good job on reflecting on the material in the chapter and bringing it back to the church.

I have you down for 33/36 points for the first 5 weeks of the quarter.